“I bike everywhere!” brags cyclist who can afford living downtown - The Beaverton

“I bike everywhere!” brags cyclist who can afford living downtown

– Brian McFarlen, a local who can afford to live less than five minutes from the heart of , has bragged about biking everywhere.

“It’s a great way to get around while also staying in shape,” said McFarlen as he biked through a red light. “From tattoo shops to my job at VICE to even the best Banh Mi in the city – I just hop on my bike and I’m there. Why does anyone drive ever? Gross!”

McFarlen, whose paid for him to go to and has no mortgage, , or debt, condemns people who drive in the city. “I hate – we should just get rid of all and replace them with . Isn’t everyone able to live downtown and spend hours of their day biking around the city hitting up all the best micro breweries?”

According to McFarlen, biking is not only eco-friendly but also super accessible, and all anyone needs is a bike worth more than two months of rent.

“After spending a semester abroad, biking through Jakarta, I’ve been obsessed with living sustainability and unlearning my colonial way of living.” McFarlen added from his converted studio apartment in a very gentrified area of the city. ”There is no excuse. Bike.”

At press time, owners of electric cars were cited bragging “what do you mean you can’t afford a vehicle that’s three times the price of a regular car?”