OTTAWA – Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole is said to be flummoxed as to why the Lying Press is criticizing him for announcing a Canada First approach to the economy and global trade.
“All I did was announce a fiscal policy under a name with clear fascist and anti-semitic connections,” said a confused O’Toole. “And now these fake news outlets, with their international bourgeoisie agenda, are coming after me?”
“I bet the Rothschilds are behind this,” he added.
Canada First is derived from ‘America First’ the rallying cry of the KKK and fascist sympathizing isolationists during WWII which has been adopted by Donald Trump. O’Toole claims he was completely unaware of these connections however, and merely meant to suggest that he would put the lives and prosperity of Canadians, specifically those who support him, over what is good for the world and humanity at large. Why he announced the plan in front of a portrait of Charles Lindbergh is really anyone’s guess.
“I would never endorse anything to do with fascism. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go burn down Parliament and blame the Communists,” said O’Toole.