US prison overcrowding reaches critical mass due to Trump’s staff - The Beaverton

US prison overcrowding reaches critical mass due to Trump’s staff

WASHINGTON – Experts and prison staff are raising the alarm about overcrowding in US prisons due to Donald ’s staff.

“We’re at a breaking point,” said Yani Overbrooke, a prison warden in State. “State prisons are overwhelmed with special advisors, campaign managers, and lobbyists charged or convicted of fraud, witness tampering, lying to the FBI, lying to the Senate, money laundering, and conspiracy against the United States.”

Prisons in New York, Colorado, and Texas have been forced to release several arsonists to make way for Trump’s handpicked employees.

“The inevitable pardons don’t appear to be preventing the constant flow of consultants,” said Overbrooke. “But we can at least assure the public that non-violent criminals charged with simple drug offences will not be released.”

Other prisoners have expressed concern about the MAGA gang recruiting members and spreading their contempt for democracy.

“I was serving time for attempted murder and carjacking,” said a hardened M-13 member. “But then this guy started talking about Hillary’s emails. Before I knew it, I was trying to hack into Joe Biden son’s cell phone.”

The kingpin of the MAGA gang is still at large and running the Presidency.