Genius Mode Activated! Local woman Marla Bach has written a whole facebook post criticizing Donald Trump without ever once praising George W. Bush, a man who should definitely be sent to prison forever.
“I was reading it and Marla was making all the usual points about Trump being a racist, incompetent dillweed. But then I got to the end and I was like wait, she didn’t once talk about how a guy who murdered 1 million Iraqi men, women and children respected the rule of law.”
“Honestly, I didn’t know you could do that.”
Political scientists from across the globe have combed through Marla’s post, looking for phrases like “say what you will about George W. Bush but…” or claims that a President who legalized torture would never have allowed kids to be kept in cages, and they have come up empty.
“She didn’t even link to that video of Bush and Michelle Obama dancing,” said a stunned David Axelrod.
But this academic rogue wasn’t done there. For her next trick she managed to criticize Trump’s behaviour towards women without diminishing the sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden!
In related news Donald Trump was very excited to see which monster the GOP will elect after him that will make him look good by comparison.