Man trapped in endless loop of diving into infinity pool - The Beaverton

Man trapped in endless loop of diving into infinity pool

EDMONTON – Jacob Quinn, a guest at the Mirage hotel is currently entering his third hour of diving into the .

“I just waited for him to come up from the water, but he never did!” Said girlfriend Laurie Naget. “Instead he just walked out of the locker room again and jumped in and it kept happening over and over. I know he wanted me to watch his cannonball, but not repeatedly.”

Currently, rescue authorities are debating how to bring Quinn to stability. “In a lot of these cases, the person caught in a time loop can free themselves if they come to some sort of important realization about themselves.” Reported fire chief Steven Wilkes. “But I have no idea what the spiritual or psychological significance of jumping into a hotel pool is. We might need the quantum jaws of life for this one.”

Many are viewing this incident as proof that infinity pools are dangerous and should be regulated. Concerns have risen since the incident in where a teenager unknowingly went over the edge and was forced to tread air until a helicopter could save her.

At press time, Wilkes plan to break the loop by covering the pool with a trampoline was foiled when Quinn bounced over the edge of the balcony only to return from the locker room again.