OTTAWA – Following several reports of vaping-related illnesses and deaths across North America, Health Canada has issued a strongly worded warning aimed at young people, informing them that vaping is “fuckin’ sick” and urging them not to start unless they “wanna get deeply wrecked.”
“It’s extremely important that we communicate the seriousness of the health risks involved in this growing trend,” stated Health Canada deputy communications director Serge Mahoney. “In order to get our message across to today’s youth without being patronizing, we are using language that they respond to. That’s why instead of discussing the risk of developing so-called ‘popcorn lung’, our messaging says ‘your lungs will be poppin’ off.’”
Vaping was initially promoted as a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes or cannabis, but Health Canada’s informational campaign is determined to let people know that it is far from safe, with billboards stating that “vaping is the illest habit you can get into,” that it is widely considered to be “toxxxic” and that it makes young people “look dangerous.”
“We recognize that it may seem trendy or cool to tuck that wick in your box mod so you can chase mad clouds,” explained Mahoney, “but it’s actually not cool.”
One of the central messages of the awareness campaign is the fact that since people have only begun using vaping devices quite recently, the long-term impacts of vape inhalation are not yet known and therefore users are taking a huge risk. To highlight this fact, advertisements filmed for the Health Canada campaign feature youth involved in similarly risky activities, such as skateboarding without a helmet, drunken skinny dipping, and using gasoline to light a really big bonfire. A corresponding campaign demonstrates how cool it is to abstain from using vaping products by featuring non-vapers enjoying the approval of their grandparents.
This warning follows Health Canada’s recent message about the dangers of driving while high, which featured two stoners skillfully mastering the Rainbow Road level on Mario Kart Wii.