Beaverton Election Special to reveal who will secure the crucial Beaverton endorsement - The Beaverton

Beaverton Election Special to reveal who will secure the crucial Beaverton endorsement

– Producers of beloved satirical website and international television phenomenon announced today that they would be revealing which party had secured the coveted Beaverton endorsement at the end of their special airing Friday at 8pm (ET) on , and streaming anytime after on CTV.CA

“The election special is going to feature a lot of fun jokes and surprise guests of course,” said EP Luke Gordon Field. “But the main point is to tell all of who they should be voting for.”

“Canadians have been waiting the whole election for us to look into a camera and say ‘vote for X’ and tonight we’re going to do just that.”

The Beaverton’s endorsement is a crucial part of every election season. It single handedly swung the 1980 election to Pierre , as well as the 1878 election to John A. MacDonald (a buddy of the then-newspaper’s writers)

“Right now my model has the race a tie between the Liberals and ,” said Philippe Fournier of 338 Canada. “But if the Beaverton were to endorse then bam, you’d have a Green Party majority for sure.”

But as the country and the parties wait with baited breath, Field says the producers are still making up their mind.

“Anything could happen. Well, except for endorsing Andrew Scheer. Obviously.”