WASHINGTON – A fake news black hole has emerged along the Canada-US border after US President Donald Trump corrected far-right pundit Ezra Levant about his tweet calling Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau weak.
“No, we actually had a very good and productive meeting. Nice!” replied the President tweeted, unaware of the dire consequences he just unleashed on the world.
A loud crash was heard followed by a destructive whirlwind spiralling near the border between Alberta and Montana. A chaotic scene emerged as all facts were destroyed in its wake.
The rupture in fake news space-time continuum has NASA worried that the black hole will make those in its path unable to distinguish reality from a bigotted, Russian-bot driven fantasy.
“We never thought this day would come,” said a panicking NASA’s scientist Harold Clobber reviewing his calculations on his computer. “But when two centres of douchebaggery collide and collapse on each other, it creates an irreversible chain reaction and absorbs everything. Not even Snopes can escape its powerful force of gravity.”