Rudy Giuliani does interview with pringle cans stuck on both hands - The Beaverton

Rudy Giuliani does interview with pringle cans stuck on both hands

CITY – , former of New York City and key member of ’s legal team, conducted a 30 minute interview with Chris Cuomo on CNN with Sour Cream and Onion Pringle cans stuck on both his left and right hands.

“He had the first one on his hand when he got to the studio.” reported Cuomo “but I don’t know where the second one came from, we don’t have any in the green room. Maybe he bought the second can from home in case he got hungry?”

When asked in the interview about the pringle cans, Giuliani denied that he had Pringle cans on his hands. He later stated that it did not matter if a person had Pringle cans on their hands, that there was nothing illegal about having chip packaging permanently affixed to an extremity and then finally he denied that he had ever denied having Pringle cans on his hands. When being asked about the cans on his hands Giuliani did admit to several crimes.

“He told me that you can only fight fire with fire, and you can only fight Pringle cans with Pringle cans.” stated that Cuomo Prime Time producer Abigail Smark “I’m pretty sure the second can didn’t even have Pringles in it.”

“Remember when I was mayor during 9/11 and everyone loved me? Those were the days.” said a wistful Giuliani to his own reflection in a window that he mistook for a different person “Anyway I’m kind of hungry, do you know where a guy can get some Pringles?”

At press time Giuliani is slowly suffocating after his tie got caught in both Pringle cans and a photocopier.