OTTAWA – The Official Opposition is continuing to hound Prime Minister Justin Trudeau by claiming that they would have paid-off off the Justice Minister to keep quiet like they paid Senator Mike Duffy to cover his improper expenses.
“It is clear that the Prime Minister has lost the moral authority to dish out cover-ups from inside the PMO,” said Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer at a press conference. “The last time our party was in power, we took decisive action to deceive Parliament, the media, and the public with every means necessary.”
“And the level of efficient corruption is exactly what Canadians can expect from an Andrew Scheer government,” he added.
Scheer called Trudeau’s behaviour of repeatedly pressuring an attorney general to change the course of justice for the Liberal Party’s political gain “amateur-like” without ever considering a cheque book for the easy win.
“Integrity and transparency can be costly, but a Conservative PMO would be willing to pay up to $90,172 to have it,” said Scheer
The Opposition Leader says he is calling for Trudeau’s resignation just like how he called for Stephen Harper to quit back in 2013.