The Beaverton finally given hour-long CTV special to take on its greatest foe: Christmas - The Beaverton

The Beaverton finally given hour-long CTV special to take on its greatest foe: Christmas

– After years spent taking on lesser enemies like the media and the concept of telling the truth, ’s satirical empire The Beaverton has finally convinced to give it one hour of prime time to destroy The Holiday Season.

“We’ve always enjoyed making jokes about politicians, and current events,” said editor in chief Luke Gordon Field. “But in our heart of hearts we knew what really needed to be taken down a peg was the so-called Most Wonderful Time of Year.”

“Tradition, time with , Santa, Jesus. These are all things we intend to make fun of until CTV tells us we have to stop,” he added.

The Beaverton Ruins Your Holiday Special airs Thursday December 20th at 9pm EST on CTV, and promises to be a thing you can watch to drown out the noise of your family fighting, or just leave on to distract the while the adults drink.

“Sure tv networks have been making Holiday Specials for years. But all of those holiday specials possessed the fatal flaw of thinking the Holidays are a good thing. That’s where we come in,” said head writer Jeff Detsky.

“After all, you think Christmas, you think satirical news show.”

So make sure to tune in at 9pm on the 20th, and then again on New Years Eve for the Beaverton’s New Years Eve Special, and then again on February 14 for The Beaverton Proves Your Partner Is Cheating On You Valentine’s Day Special