WINNIPEG – Scores of Canadians on social media have reminded their only American friend that they should vote in the US midterm election if they haven’t already.
“Just in case you didn’t know, the midterms are happening in the US and it’s important for democracy,” explained Bethany Halpert of Winnipeg to her colleague Mike Lance of Bloomington, MN who met only once at a Vikings game. “We have democracy up here too, but it’s a little different.”
Thousands of other overly-helpful Canucks shared the locations voting booths for their southern acquaintance and specific instructions if they’re having trouble registering to vote.
“There is a very important election from what I’ve heard from down there,” wrote another Canadian to his American friend from university on his Facebook Wall. “I just wanted to give you another gentle reminder because I saw it on the CBC. If you have any problems at the station, just give me a call and we’ll walk you through it.”
According to sources, Phil Jensen of Newmarket hopes the colourful ‘Get Out The Vote’ poster he just shared will get to his friend in Buffalo, NY who has already voted in the advance poll.