New CBC article ranks top 5 murderous dictatorships that can help grow your RSP - The Beaverton

New CBC article ranks top 5 murderous dictatorships that can help grow your RSP

Luke and the Panel (Dave Atkinson, Aaron Hagey-MacKay and Andrew Ivimey) refuse to let the get them down. They talk ’s influence over the mail bomber (2:30) and the synagogue shooter (11:30), plus his attempt to use an executive order to eliminate the 14th amendment (17:00) while one of his fans plotted to bring down the Mueller investigations (22:30). They also make fun of ’s new crazy leader (31:30) and ’s semi-new crazy one (38:00). And because the news is depressing, Luke reads some trivia to make everyone feel happy. Plus the Approximately Ten Minute Long finds out what has annoyed the Satanic Temple this week.