Analysts not sure rebate cheques and keeping humanity alive will convince Canadians to support carbon tax - The Beaverton

Analysts not sure rebate cheques and keeping humanity alive will convince Canadians to support carbon tax

Luke and the Panel (Alex Huntley, Alice Moran, Diana McCallum) talk elections! The Canadian municipal elections went mostly as expected with Tory being re-elected (1:30), but also contained some highs: goodbye Mammoliti and @norm and some lows: is of , a Nazi finished third in Toronto?! (6:00). Meanwhile at Queen’s Park is freezing the minimum wage For The People (15:00) and in Ottawa has come up with a great plan to sell Canadians on a carbon tax: giving them free money (20:00). Down south the US Midterms are heating up and Luke is going insane trying to analyze the early voting numbers (30:00). Then the Approximately Ten Minute Long finds the worst Legal take imaginable.