Today: Ford government launches Buck-a-Beer mental health strategy - The Beaverton

Today: Ford government launches Buck-a-Beer mental health strategy

– The government has launched its bold new mental strategy called the Buck-a-Beer initiative, which is expected to replace the existing mental health system.

Starting today, the provincial government will lower the cost of all non-prescription mental health medications available at the LCBO, The Beer Store, and select grocery stores.

“It’s a well known fact that people who struggle with mental health issues are often unable to afford the cost of treatment,” said Premier at an LCBO. “I am happy to announce that we are showing that we care by putting the money back in the pockets of Ontarians and making this much needed medicine available at a lower cost.”

Counselling will be available to any and all those who need it by asking a store employee where the buck-a-beer is located.

Ford said that it can be difficult for some to come out of the darkness of depression, anxiety or any mental health issues because of the persistent stigma.

“Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you’re struggling to carry the load of 4 six packs of President’s Choice beer to your car,” added Ford. “There’s highly trained employees to help you stack your cart. There’s no shame in that.”