Faith Goldy promotes diversity by opening up mayoral campaign to Italians - The Beaverton

Faith Goldy promotes diversity by opening up mayoral campaign to Italians

— Toronto mayoral candidate and avowed white nationalist has announced a new ‘diversity initiative’, wherein her campaign will expand its messaging to include Italian voters.

The former Rebel media personality, who was fired for appearing on white supremacist podcasts, eagerly touted her campaign’s new outreach to “the Italian ethnic minority.”

“My mayoral campaign will embrace the diversity of the great city of Toronto, from people of British descent, to all varieties of Scandinavians,” Goldy told reporters. “I’m happy to announce that, despite their olive skin and tendency to talk with their hands, also count.”

Goldy, who has repeatedly compared Canadian policies to “white genocide”, has yet to appear on any polling data in the Toronto mayoral race. However, she says she hopes that her outreach to “the exotic Italian-Torontonian community” will lend her mayoral bid a shot in the arm. She has already reached out to these voters by going door to door in Little Italy, pasta without ketchup for the first time, and trying not to vomit as she says ‘grazie’

“Originally I wanted to keep my campaign pure, but apparently there aren’t enough true bloods left in the city to win, so like my favourite historical figure, I’m willing to make a Pact with the Italians if it means victory in the wars to come,” Goldy explained.

“Still, no Portuguese,” she added.

Goldy has also announced plans to unveil her campaign slogan, which is exactly fourteen words long.