LIBERAL SCANDAL: Kathleen Wynne wasted millions on fancy underground cars for the Toronto elite - The Beaverton

LIBERAL SCANDAL: Kathleen Wynne wasted millions on fancy underground cars for the Toronto elite

– Yet another scandal rocked the Provincial Government today, when allegations surfaced that blew millions of taxpayer dollars on lavish subterranean limousines for the Toronto upper crust.

“Must be nice to have your pal Kathleen buy you a multi-million-dollar car,” said 905-resident Dave Gordon. “All I can afford is my Chevy Suburban and Pontiac Aztec, and the pick-up truck we keep at the cottage.”

The scandal worsened when turned out people who rode the underground sedans didn’t even need to pay for gas, and that the ultra-corrupt premier had hired hundreds of maroon-jacketed chauffeurs to just drive them around all day.

“Excuse me, but I was raised to take some personal responsibility,” said one suburban parking in a bike lane. “I’d never accept a government handout, and that’s why I’m voting for someone who promises to give me a tax break.”

Experts say Wynne has further alienated blue-collar voters by preventing them from their Nissan Rogues along the metal tracks in the tunnels under the city.

“Just goes to show what Kathleen LOSE thinks of everyday folks,” said Gordon, honking at the Finch train while it hurled toward him. “I’m sorry, I guess you have to eat ARUGULA to be allowed.”

has picked up on the resentment, and is promising to make things better by burying everybody’s car.