Brian Mulroney stays up all night writing daughter’s victory speech - The Beaverton

Brian Mulroney stays up all night writing daughter’s victory speech

– With the sun rising on the day of the PC leadership vote, a haggard has completed writing his daughter’s victory speech.

While the speech had already been written by Caroline, the 78-year-old former Prime Minister said he had to put some finishing touches on it so she receives a grade of 100% from party supporters.

“Like any loving parent, I want the best for my daughter, which means absolutely no mistakes,” said a visibly disheveled Mulroney carrying campaign signs into their Dodge Caravan for today’s leadership convention. “I wanted to make sure she touches on the right themes and words to inspire a province when she wins.”

Mulroney explained that he didn’t want to revise the ten minute address too much as it was going to be his daughter’s day.

“I’ve highlighted a few words for emphasis and added some body language reminders.”

The revised speech was slipped into Caroline’s briefcase before she left on the campaign along with a healthy lunch and a note that says “Daddy is very, very proud of you.”

“I’m quite certain that she would be Ontario Premier even if her dad wasn’t Prime Minister,” he added waving goodbye to his daughter. “I’ve also baked 1,200 chocolate chip muffins for everyone at the convention for after her speech.”

Mulroney says that tomorrow, he will sit down with Ben and pretend to be so he has some practice before his big eTalk interview with the celebrity.