Incredible! This dolphin learned our language to warn us about sharks - The Beaverton

Incredible! This dolphin learned our language to warn us about sharks

Will dolphins ever stop surprising us with their smarts? A has appeared just off the coast of BC with an impressive knowledge of the English language, which he used to desperately alert us to the existence of sharks.

Amazing! Just when you think that nature can’t get any more inspiring, it does.

The adorable bottlenose somehow managed to learn the basics of English phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics to tell us that ‘ bad, shark no friend.’

“Always move, big teeth, hurt bad!” said the dolphin, careful to speak within the frequency range of human hearing. “Stay away from sea.”

Wow. Dolphins are awesome!

Although we already know about sharks, marine Sofia Ojeda made sure to pretend to take notes, saying,  “it was still nice of him to let us know!”

“I mean, we were maybe expecting something about coral bleaching or climate change,” said Ojeda. “But when we asked him about these things he just started making these rapid clicking sounds and then said, ‘me talk, you no listen!’”

When Ojeda asked him why he was telling us all this, his reply was unbelievable.

“One day, we need help too,” he said, before disappearing into the ocean.

The dolphin couldn’t stay for long, but we’re glad he came. We still have a lot to learn about these amazing doofuses.