Report: Every day that Ted Cruz does not like a porn tweet now feels boring by comparison - The Beaverton

Report: Every day that Ted Cruz does not like a porn tweet now feels boring by comparison

Luke and the Panel (Andrew Ivimey, Cathryn Naiker and Sebastian Fazio) break down why the porn story is the greatest story of the year so far (2:00), debunk the ‘unnamed staffer’ excuse (6:30), detail the levels of dumbness of the racist woman who heckled (11:00), discuss how unfair it is for people of colour to have to be calm and reasonable in the face of white hatred (17:00), bemoan how lame it will be to pay HST on purchases at the (23:00), and try to find a place in the world for in 2017 (30:00). Then The Approximately Ten Minute Long reveals that French Canadians don’t know enough about Tupac.