Local activist going to protests to avoid awkward conversation with roommate - The Beaverton

Local activist going to protests to avoid awkward conversation with roommate

– Grateful for the mild and political , local activist, Kelsey Fuller, keeps going to public protests to avoid having an awkward conversation with her roommate.

“Luckily I strongly believe in ’s ,” said Fuller, despite being kept up all night by her roommate’s raucous sex. “Because honestly, the abortion part would be easier to sleep through.”

Fuller’s interest in political activism began shortly after moving in with Jenn Eggers in 2010. Reports have confirmed that Eggers assigned herself ‘the big room’ and the protests subsequently erupted.

“What makes our relationship so successful is that we have separate lives and interests,” said Eggers, who sleeps in the room across the hall from Fuller. “Like when I was into doing acoustic covers of hip hop tracks, she was sleeping in parks, deep in her phase.”

Known within the activist community as ‘the one who always gets the chants started,’ Fuller is not afraid to make her voice heard in order to hold her accountable, make public demands for justice, or loudly state, ‘Well that’s strange, someone left the door unlocked again,’ to no one in particular.

“At the anti- rallies, she screamed until her voice was so raw she couldn’t talk for a week!” said fellow activist Irene Young. “Like she couldn’t even tell Jenn was her turn to buy toilet paper.”

Holding a well-weathered sign that reads, ‘I agree,’ Fuller lead the pro-choice group in the familiar march around City Hall, commenting about the appropriate use of shared space.

“After all this time, I’m not going to stop,” said Fuller. “Not until these entitled assholes clean up their act, and do the dishes.”

A recent census suggests that it’s easier to live with your sworn enemy than find in Toronto.