EDMONTON – Ensuring that the province will never forget how they were forgotten in a celebratory sesquicentennial speech by the Prime Minister, Albertans have erected a large monument in Edmonton.
Wildrose Party Leader Brian Jean fought back tears as he unveiled the marble statue of Justin Trudeau stomping on an Albertan flag while a sulking Mother Alberta looks on in disgust.
Engraved on the memorial are the words “Forgotten Once, But Never Again. And We Won’t Forget That, Justin.”
“We may never get over this, but this statue will help begin the healing and complaining process,” Jean said to a somber and respectful crowd. “Today we mourn, but tomorrow we will bring this up over and over again so that every Canadian remembers that we were forgotten that one time.”
Locals in attendance said that the statue is a nice tribute to all those who were ignored, probably by accident.
“These bring back painful memories of two days ago when Prime Minister Trudeau practically eliminated us from Canada,” said Larry McGovern who experienced the trauma of watching and waiting – in vain – for Trudeau to mention his province. “Do you know what it’s like to be disowned from your country? Well, I do now.”
In addition to Canada Day being a national holiday, July 1st will now be a provincial Day of Griping and Editorial Writing in Alberta.