Chauvet Cave, FRANCE – The Cave art scene was abuzz this week with news that local cave art star Drog has officially dropped horses and entered his Mammoth period.
“Drog draw mammoth now,” said Vak, Chauvet’s resident art critic and finder of best berries, “Drog no happy when draw same. Drog need change because good cave art not stagnant like rock. Drog not rock. Drog is Drog, man with truly subversive artistic vision.”
Drog, considered the bad boy of the cave art scene, has been making waves ever since he first show HAND. RED. which was was hailed by the reclusive Neanderthal artist, Bilk as “Hand. Red.”
And while that show was critically acclaimed, some in the small Sapien community questioned his controversial decision to use animal fat and ash as paint instead slathering it on his naked body and howling at the moon to honour and appease Boros the tree they’d been worshipping ever since it got struck by lightning 27 moon cycles ago.
Other detractors, like Drog’s father Nork, can’t understand why he would want to depict the massive creatures that killed more than half the able bodied sapiens in the tribe, instead of settling down and starting a career in hunting and or gathering.
“Drog no work. Drog sleep when sun on head. Drog say: me draw. Me make big splash in art world. Me see big picture. Drog no settle down. Where Drog go when Drog need trade for berry? Nork.”
At press time, Drog was seen dyeing his favourite pelt black while inhaling from a stick of rolled leaves which appeared to be on fire.