TORONTO – Unexpectedly captured reacting to an oversized order of chicken and waffles, local woman Christine Newman was shocked to see the photo receive more likes on social media than everything she has ever done.
“My destination wedding was two years ago,” said a shocked Newman. “Sure I’ve added 50 followers since then, but how is this more likeable than my wedding day, graduation or when I caught the ball at the Blue Jays game, combined?”
Stats show the chicken and waffles picture received a whopping 228 likes on Facebook, 185 likes on Instagram and 3 retweets on Twitter, enough to make Newman afraid the picture would go viral and become a meme.
Newman even requested to meet with an agent, in case it was possible to cash in on the popularity. The meeting request was quickly turned down.
“Even the passing of my grandmother received fewer likes,” Newman said. “I get that death makes people uncomfortable, but I expected a few likes just out of respect.”
This is the last time Newman won’t feel too embarrassed to show her face at the waffle place.