OTTAWA — Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau stole the spotlight from her husband today, halting his parliamentary budget speech with an inspiring interpretation of a classic piece of African American struggle from the timeless musical, Show Boat.
“Hi Honey!” she bellowed from the Parliamentary doors as Justin attempted to talk about middle class tax cuts. “In honour of this occasion I have prepared a completely spontaneous performance for you all, and I hope you like it,” she continued, addressing all of Parliament.
Gregoire-Trudeau then unleashed a rendition of ‘Ol Man River’ that was described as ‘purposeful’ and ‘confusing’ by the gathered legislators.
“I was just kind of caught up in the moment, you know? Here in this influential and powerful place,” said Sophie later. “So many people of all cultures and creeds, gathered under one roof to hear my King talk about his plans to, um, make a good budget. The moment was crying out for a song to commemorate it.”
At times Trudeau attempted to continue with his speech, but his point about the deficit was quickly drowned out when Sofie really laid into the “He Just Keeps Rollin’ Along!” section. When reached for comment in the House of Commons foyer, the Prime Minister seemed somewhat less than enthusiastic about the performance.
“We are all….very fond of her singing, she is quite a talent” he said grimacing.
“Does anyone actually have any budget related questions? Or maybe someone wants to grill me over my plan to withdraw our CF-18’s from the fight against ISIS?”
At press time, Gregoire-Trudeau was overheard in the women’s washroom accusing Leader of the Opposition Rona Ambrose of being an Uncle Tom.