KAMLOOPS – Local “LEGO Enthusiast” Mike Dobson has assembled a detailed representation of a functional adult life using the famous interlocking brick toys, which in no way resembles his actual life.
Speaking in his shared one bedroom apartment, Dobson led reporters on a guided tour of several intricate dioramas he had personally constructed. “Right here is a 3 bedroom Cape Cod-style house, with working lights and a garage door,” Dobson explained, struggling to edge around the cramped dining table that had clearly not been used to serve a meal in months, if ever.
The 27-year-old self-described AFOL (“Adult Fan Of Lego”) eagerly displayed a tiny plastic man (or “minifig”), which he claimed resembled him. “This is Mark,” exclaimed Mike. “We’ve kind of got the same hair and clothes” he said, contrasting the minifig’s sculpted plastic hair and matching outfit to his own unkempt hair and untucked t-shirt.
Dobson went on to describe Mark’s wife Allison and their two children before asking his room mate Dave if he could “borrow” one of his beers.
The miniature representation of an emotionally healthy existence also includes a realistic looking office where Mark works full time with benefits, home exercise equipment used for something other than hanging laundry to dry, and absolutely no weed dealers named Cliff.
Mike concluded the demonstration by pointing to an area of the Lego world where “Mark” was constructing an even more miniature representation of his life where he is a famous writer who remodels vintage cars as a hobby.