Lucky fan catches Edwin Encarnacion's bat with face - The Beaverton

Lucky fan catches Edwin Encarnacion’s bat with face

TORONTO – Rewarded at last for a lifetime of support, local Jays fan Steven Quinn has been lucky enough to catch one of the many bats thrown by , using only his nose and teeth.

“I’ve been coming to see the Jays play ever since I moved to Toronto, but I never saw this coming,” Quinn said in a recent interview from his hospital room. “This is like a dream come true, especially since I woke up with no recollection of what happened.”

When asked what he planned to do with the bat, Quinn said that he hadn’t yet made up his mind.

“I know I could get a lot of money for it,” said Quinn, spitting out a few slivers of tooth. “But I’d probably just waste on facial reconstruction surgery.”

Quinn is not the first person to take home one of Encarnacion’s bats. In 2010, 6-year old Katie Wilton successfully caught one of the designated hitter’s bats with her stomach, as she was passing by Encarnacion’s home.

At press time, three schoolchildren walking behind one another in single file were lucky enough to catch one of Canadian Olympian Liz Gleadle’s javelins.