Trudeau fetus polling well in focus groups - The Beaverton

Trudeau fetus polling well in focus groups

OTTAWA – Justin Trudeau’s expected third child has polled well among voters according to Nanos Research.

Since conception, the Trudeau fetus has been polling well in focus groups especially among women, grandparents and gynaecologists.

“I have never seen a microorganism be more popular than sitting politicians,” said Nik Nanos of Nanos Research. “The study shows that as the Trudeau spawn was first fertilized it was polling at a virile 52.7%, however in its zygote stage it dropped to 11.3%.” Nanos attributed this fall in numbers to the sultry nature of the fertilization phase. “Once becoming a Blastocyst the cellular being really shows what it’s made of growing to a healthy 25.4%, followed by developing into a hearty 48.6% once it was a full blown embryo!”

These polls suggest that Canadians seem to be struck with what Nanos calls embryonic excitement.

“The Trudeau fetus has a statistical advantage of 35.8 points over the Harper children. Quite frankly, if I was Mr. Harper I’d be ashamed of my children,” Nanos said while shaking his head.

Justin Trudeau was proud to hear that his soon-to-be bundle of joy has a good chance of taking the reins of power one day.

“The Trudeaus are Canada’s natural governing bloodline,” Trudeau boasted. “Today, Canadians can celebrate that this country will be in a Trudeau’s hands come the 2052 election.”

However, the fetus did not poll well with envious older siblings or people who hate babies.