CHICAGO – In the wake of a backlash against recent claims by Gwen Stefani that she is “Japanese”, the singer attended a hastily-gathered news conference where she apologised for her hurtful…
Tag: Trudeau
Trudeau assures Canadians that Bill C-21 will not impede their rights to die in hunting accidents
OTTAWA – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took the podium last week to reaffirm to Canadians that even with Bill C-21 tightening up gun control laws, they will still be able to perish in preve…
Canada’s criminals having trouble keeping up with all of Canada’s new gun laws
OTTAWA – With the federal government mulling further changes to definitions in The Firearms Act that could affect the legality of numerous categories of currently non-restricted rifles, Can…
“The Freedom Convoy Protest wasn’t an emergency,” says man who doesn’t live in Ottawa
Kamloops, BC – Local man Mark Howerston is confident the Freedom Convoy occupation of Ottawa was not enough of an emergency to justify the Trudeau government’s use of the Emergencies …
Report: Including magical clause in Charter that makes all our rights disappear may have been mistake
TORONTO – In light of Scott Moe, Doug Ford and Francois Legault’s rampant use of the Notwithstanding Clause to pass legislation that violates the Charter Of Rights And Freedoms some p…
Trudeau keeps running mouth about Putin as if Canada isn’t perfect target for nuclear warning shot
GENEVA – Several diplomats have disclosed to the international press their growing concern that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to run his mouth about Putin as if he is obl…
Editorial: Trudeau could have ended the Freedom Convoy protest in no time if he’d just let them kill him
By: Bryce Duclair As the inquest into the use of the Emergencies Act drags on into it’s third week, the defenders of Justin Trudeau’s horrific abolition of civil rights keep saying it…
Trudeau: “Countries (except Canada) must be held accountable for unmarked, mass graves”
LONDON, UK — Following the discovery of unmarked mass graves in Ukraine Prime Minister Justin Trudeau showed no tolerance for Russian President Vladimir Putin, declaring “Any country (besides Can…
Solidarity! Following the Chrystia Freeland video, we got reactions from every male party leader
Airports, am I right? With a video of Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland being harassed and cornered in an airport elevator going viral last week – not cool – we decided to respo…
NDP asks Liberals to stop calling them “Lil’ Buddies” in official announcements
OTTAWA – NDP leader Jagmeet Singh used Question Period to request that the Liberals no longer refer to the NDP as “Lil’ Buddies” in government communiques. For the past few months, Trudeau’…