Bismarck, ND – Jason Friedman was shaken by the discovery that his hard-earned freedom to post inflammatory comments under an assumed name had been revoked by YouTube. Friedman, the troll f…
Tag: internet
University of British Columbia: The Beaverton University Reviews
Name: University of British Columbia Nickname: Ol’ Oh God Maybe This Earthquake Will Turn Out To Be The Big One Motto: ‘I’ve got some psilocybin, you’ve got some woods behind your house, what are…
Woman sues adultery website for injuries sustained while making fake profiles
A Brazilian woman living in Toronto is seeking $20 million in damages from the Canadian adultery website Ashley Madison after alleging she was required to make 1,000 fake profiles of attractive w…
Blind-internet-frustration not covered by Obamacare
WASHINGTON – President Obama announced that people going blind with frustration over politely crashing will not be able to get this condition covered once the website lets them sig…
Toronto Star begins paywall website, hopes no one knows how to clear internet history
TORONTO – After several other renowned newspapers implemented paywalls for internet content, publishers at the Toronto Star are hoping that none of their online readers know how to clear th…
Local father reaches enlightenment while screaming at new computer
HAMILTON, ON – After refusing to read the manual for his new Dell laptop, local senior James Hoffmann achieved a state of nirvana while screaming profanities at the electronic device. “At f…
Michael Hastings dies in car crash
Journalist Michael Hastings sent worried emails about federal authorities investigating him and needing to go “off the radar” to cover a “big story” hours before dying in a car crash. What’s your…
NSA Thinks You Should E-Mail Your Mother More Often
WASHINGTON – Following the disclosure of their secret surveillance program, PRISM, sources inside the NSA have expressed concern that you’re not e-mailing your mother enough. “Your mother s…
Shocked at daycare shooting, Canadians wonder which US state Gatineau is in
OTTAWA – Disturbed Canadians took to the internet to voice their thoughts about the breaking story involving gun violence at a daycare in Gatineau today, but were confused about where Gatineau wa…
Real life friendship devolves into Facebook friendship
TORONTO – A six-year friendship between former college roommates Stefan Gelko, 27, and Nick Shobel, 26, has recently devolved into a relationship existing solely in Facebook form, a concerned Gel…