From the Bay Street executive dad of Toronto to the walrus-hunting ataata of Tuktoyaktuk, one common thread unites all of Canada’s fathers: obsession over government spending. There’s no mistake …
QUIZ: Is the call coming from inside the house?
It’s late at night. A storm rages outside. Thunder booms so loudly you’re starting to think the whole house might collapse. The lights flicker on and off, and the phone rings. You wonder to yours…
QUIZ: Which Saved by the Bell character are you? We desperately search for someone, anyone on this Earth, who is not Screech
Time to take a trip back to Bayside High! Which one of the coolest kids in school are you? We yearn to find a single soul amongst all of humanity who is not Screech. Our search so far has been in…
Can you successfully fill out the application form Conservative Party leadership candidates must complete?
With the national Conservative Party elections getting underway, all would be leaders of the opposition must complete the below form in order to run. Take it and see if you’ve got the stuff to fi…
Try Kellie Leitch’s Canadian Values Test for Immigrants
Conservative Party Leadership Candidate Kellie Leitch has proposed immigrants be screened for Canadian values prior to their arrival. Here’s an exclusive view of what the quiz will look lik…
How well do you really know Prime Minister Justin Trudeau?
How well do you really know Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau? Well, take this quiz to find out the conclusive answer! Sources…
Which dead ‘The Littlest Hobo’ dog are you?
Ever wondered which of the now deceased The Littlest Hobo dogs is your true spirit animal? We all have, but now you can take this quiz to find out! Sources ht…