“The human body can only shake with laughter for so long.” Welcome back to The Beaverton Weekly Report! Luke and the Panel (Ian MacIntyre, Nile Seguin and Clare Blackwood) talk Mark C…
Doug Ford demands Green Party apologize for letting Oshawa GM Plant close
Luke and the Panel (Andrew Ivimey, Jon Blair, Todd Van Allen) talk about people getting screwed over! Specifically the people of Oshawa getting screwed over by GM (1:00), Paul Manafort maybe gett…
St. Michael’s principal promises to restore school to acceptable levels of toxic masculinity
Luke and the Panel (Callum Wratten, Dave Barclay and Ryan Dillon) figure out what is wrong with the NDP, the Conservatives and Canada’s private school system! They also discuss the Ontario …
The Beaverton will pay whatever it takes to not see Tony Clement’s dick
Luke and the Panel (Michael Balazo, Kristy LaPointe and Ian MacIntyre) try not to get overwhelmed by how much news there is. They start by recapping the midterm elections and CNN’s coverage…
New CBC article ranks top 5 murderous dictatorships that can help grow your RSP
Luke and the Panel (Dave Atkinson, Aaron Hagey-MacKay and Andrew Ivimey) refuse to let the news get them down. They talk Trump’s influence over the mail bomber (2:30) and the Pittsburgh synagogue…
Analysts not sure rebate cheques and keeping humanity alive will convince Canadians to support carbon tax
Luke and the Panel (Alex Huntley, Alice Moran, Diana McCallum) talk elections! The Canadian municipal elections went mostly as expected with Tory being re-elected (1:30), but also contained some …
Local man willing to do anything that doesn’t affect his daily life to stop climate change
Luke and the Panel (Rebecca Reeds, Craig Fay and Andrew Ivimey) ask the important question: you ever listen to a podcast ON WEED? They talk the media hype over weed legalization (2:00), the vastl…
Doug Ford ends opposition to Carbon Tax after reading all 2,500 pages of UN Climate Change Report
Luke and the Panel (Nour Hadidi, Courtney Gilmour and Ryan Dillon) talk about how we’re all going to die! They break down why the most recent UN Climate Change Report is a warning that can&…
Conservatives: ‘If we had re-negotiated NAFTA we would have capitulated immediately but also gotten Canada everything we wanted’
Luke and the Panel (Jocelyn Geddie, Dave Barclay, Jen MacIntyre) make jokes about complicated international trade agreements! They break down why ‘USMCA’ is a terrible acronym (1:30),…
Justin Trudeau campaigns for Security Council seat by wearing traditional United Nations outfit
Luke and the Panel (Miguel Rivas, Alessandra Vite and Callum Wratten) are excited to talk about the news and do fun Australian accents. They do a deep dive into the Brett Kavanaugh scandal, recap…