TORONTO – Members of the federal Liberals are expressing their collective outrage at the recent news that former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s daughter, Caroline, will be running as MPP for the…
Disney casts Amy Adams, Benedict Cumberbatch as leads in upcoming live-action Mulan film
LOS ANGELES – Speaking before an assembled group of industry press earlier this week, Disney spokesperson Ian Glenn enthusiastically unveiled the casting of Hollywood stars Amy Adams and Benedict…
Nihilistic anti-abortion advocate believes life ends at conception
EDMONTON – The head of an emerging group of nihilistic anti-abortion activists has begun lobbying the government to outlaw abortions on the philosophy that we are all dead the second we are conce…
Governor General’s soul instantly flung into void of pain upon mistakenly touching the Queen
LONDON – The outgoing Governor General of Canada, David Johnston, suffered an unfortunate disembodiment of his mortal soul earlier today following physical contact with Queen Elizabeth II at Cana…
Study: 94% of new homeowners not sure what a mortgage actually is
TORONTO – In a surprise set of findings from a Canadian Homeowner’s Association survey, almost all of the nation’s population that owns their own home is completely unaware what a mortgage is, de…
Wow! Donald Sutherland only allows Kiefer 20 minutes of Nintendo time every day!
And you thought your parents were harsh! It turns out that Hollywood legend Donald Sutherland keeps a close eye on how much Nintendo son Kiefer is allowed to play each day before bed. “Call me ol…
Blast from the Past! You’ll never guess where the stars of classic sitcom Modern Family are today
Everyone remembers the classic sitcom Modern Family, the story of a uniquely – and hilariously! – structured California family and their struggles to navigate their ever-changing family dynamics.…
Conservative Leadership Convention anxiously awaits swimsuit competition
TORONTO — The Conservative Leadership Convention has officially commenced in Ontario’s capital and attendees are waiting with great anticipation for the most important event during the two-…
Men’s Rights Activists question why we don’t also celebrate King Victoria
MONTREAL – Prominent men’s rights groups across the country are protesting the annual Victoria Day celebration, accusing it of unfairly favouring Queen Victoria over King Victoria. “This is a per…
Quiz: You think you’re better than me?!
I saw you giving me the eye from across the subway car! Yeah, I’m talking to you Mr. plaid shirt and blue jeans! Something about me amuses you or something? Take this simple quiz to find out if y…