In an effort to boost sluggish ratings, CBC has announced a fall lineup they hope will draw a younger and more diverse audience. The revised lineup is based on successful U.S. programming, but adapted for Canadians. Here are some of the new shows slated to roll out in September 2011:
- White People Say the Darndest Things
- Law & Order: Napanee, ON
- So You Think You Can Immigrate: Canada
- Canada’s Next Top Luger
- CSI: Dead People
- Are you Smarter Than a Philosophy Grad Student
- Everyone Hates Harper
- 86 and Pregnant
- Richmond Hills L4B 3P4
- Corner Nail Salon
- Desperate Prairie Housewives
- How I Met Your Second Father…Who You Unemotionally Call “Dave”
- The Sasquatch Diaries
- Sex and the Cul-de-Sac