The Beaverton to launch Ontario News Net to compete with Ford’s fake news channel - The Beaverton

The Beaverton to launch Ontario News Net to compete with Ford’s fake news channel

– The Beaverton, North ’s Most Trusted Source of , will be launching its own version of the PC government’s “Ontario News Now.”

Ontario News Net will provide TV-news-style videos on news you need to know that would make a North Korean broadcaster blush. As the newer mouthpiece of the provincial government, we will offer news articles and tweets from people who sound like they’re impartial journalists who took the time to conduct research and get the whole story.

Unlike the real fake news of Ontario News Now, the fake-fake news of Ontario News Net is not funded by taxpayers, the editors pointed out.

Fake news agencies across the world have been struggling to stay afloat as governments have been quickly replacing them in places like Venezuela, , and Ontario, . However, the editors and writers at The Beaverton are steadfastly refusing to be out-faked at their own game.

Ontario News Net video content is expected to roll out this week, which will look unmistakably similar to Ontario News Now.

The 12-time Pulitzer Prize winning satirical publication with many other accolades has already launched a Facebook group and a account Ontario News Net which can be found here and here.