Marrying your cousin was quite common back then vs For the last time, Harold, I’m not interested - we’re cousins - The Beaverton

Marrying your cousin was quite common back then vs For the last time, Harold, I’m not interested – we’re cousins

Point: Marrying your cousin was quite common back then

By: Harold Taber

While may be taboo nowadays to be in an intimate relationship with your cousin, I can tell you that it was very common back then, and is perfectly legal under the criminal code now.

Everyone from the Royal to simple commoners knew someone who married someone else related to them. Even Queen Victoria married her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and they had nine together in a happy marriage. even made a romantic movie about it called ‘The Young Victoria’ that was nominated for three Academy Awards.

You know who also married their cousin? Albert Einstein! And he was an incredibly smart man who came up with the theory of relativity. Oh, and who could forget Charles Darwin too? He didn’t think there was a problem with genetic defects among offspring from these types of marriages, and neither should you.

Right now, 1 in every 1,000 marriages in this country are between first or second cousins, and that isn’t unnatural at all. It’s more common than we think.

Let’s not pass judgement on people who happen fall in with their uncle’s daughter or aunt’s son. At the end of the day, all humans are interconnected somehow through complex . So, aren’t we all cousins?

Counterpoint: For the last time, Harold, I’m not interested – we’re cousins

By: Cassandra Taber

Oh God, Harold, you couldn’t make this family reunion any more awkward, could you? And for the last time, no, I am not interested. I have a boyfriend, and even if I didn’t, I would never date you or any other family member.

I can’t help it that you can’t find anyone else. Have you tried pursuing someone not related to you for a change instead of making not-so-subtle hints that you want to date me?

And don’t even think about asking cousin Elizabeth out either. She thinks you’re a creep too.

Now, could you please leave me alone?