STAND OFF, AB – In what is being described as a major step forward in providing First Nation’s communities with more autonomy from federal government treaty commitments, the Harper Government pledged 1.9-billion in additional funding for reserves so that they may “exercise their rights to our obligations with less and less of our money in the long term.”
“First Nation peoples have long suffered from the shackles of our financial obligations to them,” Harper said. “Our treaty calls for two canoes travelling side by side, on parallel paths, yet uninhibited by each other. With this new deal we have essentially offered the First Nation peoples a brand new canoe with really kick-ass paddles, and we look towards a bright day when they will paddle away using our paddling techniques, and if the canoe breaks they’ll have the autonomy we’ve both long fought for to fix it without our financial help.”
“Also, there is a waterfall on their side of the river,” continued the PM. “Good luck.”