After being let go from the Toronto Sun, a former news reporter will now try to obtain employment as an actual journalist.
“I’m pretty upset,” said Tyler Lyon, a victim of Tuesday’s corporate cuts that closed 11 papers and laying off 360 staff. “I had been a very creative writer and used exclamation points all of the time, so I was quickly hired by the Sun. My talent was not letting the facts stand in the way of my stories. But now I’m going to have to give this journalism thing a try.”
The Sun hadn’t prepared him for a career in journalism, but Lyon detailed his wide experience in formulating pithy one-liners and placing big, action-packed and sexy pictures to fill most of his columns while working for his former employer.
“I’m still not comfortable hearing these new journalist phrases” Lyon admitted. “Things like ‘balanced view’ or ‘offensive language’ or ‘libel lawsuit’, but I think I might get the hang of it.”