Science Win! This AI video of a dog eating spaghetti uses the same amount of power as Haiti! - The Beaverton

Science Win! This AI video of a dog eating spaghetti uses the same amount of power as Haiti!

THE INTERNET – Just when you thought technology couldn’t get any awesomer, this latest super computer can now make an entire video of a dog spaghetti in mere seconds, and all it takes is the same amount of power used by the whole nation of Haiti in a single day. Mamma mia!

While previous generative video models have been slightly more power efficient, this latest model takes the gloves off, using an average of 65,000 gigawatts of processing power per second of generated video, or about 5,000 gigawatts per single frame. That’s enough to power a 10,000 hectare greenhouse for an entire year!

Pretty cool right? Unless you’re the CPU that is. As explained by computer scientist and popular writer Harold Sweetman, the thousands of supercomputers used to render the video generate so much heat the processors must be cooled with a constant flow of water.

Wait… hold the AI-powered Android device. Did he just say WATER?

That’s right, not only does this 4-second clip of an animal that almost resembles a dog eating spaghetti at a weird slow-mo frame rate use up as much power as every hospital, , and home in the nation of Haiti, but it uses up the same amount of fresh water too! Sip on that, !

According to machine learning engineers, they initially experimented with using non-potable grey water, but after finding that it contained impurities that led to as much as a 50 millisecond delay in video processing times, they changed the liquid heat sinking process to only use purified drinking water in this machine – and boy is she thirsty!

While most people ideally need about 3 litres a day to survive, and often survive on less, this generative supercomputer gulps down 36 million litres of fresh drinking water a day. Glug glug!

And if you thought that was impressive, wait until you hear about how the water is recycled: it isn’t!

You heard that right. Since the water comes into direct contact with toxic metals, it’s only used a single time and then discarded into a waste pond where it must sit for 10 years before it can even begin to be filtered. That’s some serious heavy metal alchemy!

So, why would someone want to expend all these resources to make a borderline-unusable video? The real question is why WOULDN’T you?

Every day there are more and more examples of how people are adopting these incredible new technologies to create and innovate. This year, a 2.5 hour documentary on the energy crisis in Haiti, produced exclusively with generative AI video, is expected to premiere at Cannes, with a special simultaneous premiere at the one movie theatre in Haiti that still has power.