Tinder, iPhone – Local Tinder user Mack Smith has reconsidered messaging a woman on Tinder after seeing concerning photos hinting that she might occupy physical space.
“I saw the name ‘Veronica’ and I was like, so far so good,” explained Mack. “Then I see these photos attached to the profile and looking through each one I started to notice she might have actual mass. Looking closer at her third pic, it looks like she may have dozens if not millions of atoms composing some kind of human body.”
Mack explained there are other red flags when looking at women’s profiles on the app, like opinions, ideas, thoughts, or the ability to be funny.
Standards for women on the online space have begun to become more scrutinized after celebrities have continued to push diets and looks that advertise completely converting human mass into pure, weightless energy including Kim Kardashian, Gywneth Paltrow, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.
While lip filler and other plastic surgeries have become very popular due to Tik Tok, the newest trending term on the social media app is #converttoenergy following the popularity of influencers who have undergone procedures to become completely rid of body mass.
“Most of the women I meet now are at least mostly weightless,” explained Miguel Foster, an avid twitch user. “The women I talk to are twitch avatars who only speak once I donate enough money, but it’s the only way to make sure I am talking to a real woman and not someone pretending to be something they’re not.”
Some men have even refused to follow any influencers who actually exist, preferring to follow AI-generated women like Aitana López who one follower describes as weighing, “Two gigabytes max.”