EGYPT – In the midst of a grand tour to see all the wonders of the world, Canadian Jacob Pleasance was surprised that, unlike Niagara Falls, not all the Wonders Of The World are accompanied by a bunch of haunted houses and broken down rides.
“I just saw the Great Pyramids and it was amazing. A life-long dream come true,” said Pleasence. “But then I looked around for the rickety ferris wheel or the Madam Tussaud’s wax museum and I didn’t see anything.”
“Did you know the Grand Canyon doesn’t even have a Burger King with a Frankenstein on its roof for some reason.”
Having spent his life going on day trips to Niagara Falls that were 10% looking at one of the most awe inspiring natural attractions the universe has ever created and 90% playing arcade games while eating food on a stick, Pleasance just assumed that is how all countries treat their most beautiful natural landmarks. So his recent experiences have been a real eye-opener for him.
“I thought maybe it was just a falls thing. So I went to Victoria Falls in Africa and asked where the nearest animal cruelty based theme park with a catchy jingle was, and they looked at me like I was crazy!”
“I’m not trying to be rude. It’s just that after a long day of observing the sheer magnitude of what our planet has to offer I like to unwind with some whack-a-mole.”
Pleasence was even further surprised when he realized that in many countries, their biggest city’s most famous landmark isn’t used for Laser Tag.