MONCTON – Dave McKindritch attempted to help his 9 year old son Weston complete his homework this evening, only to discover that things are already a lot more advanced than he was anticipating.
“I think I got cocky when last year I was still helping him spell and do basic addition,:” said McKindritch. “Then today he pulled out his math homework and I honestly didn’t recognize half the symbols.”
“I knew there would be a point where his education surpassed my intelligence. I just didn’t expect it to be Grade 3.”
McKindritch was forced to spend the next hour pretending to know how to do long division, which province was the last to join Confederation and how to conjugate the Passe Compose, all while googling everything on his phone underneath the table. Something which his son could not help but notice.
“I could tell it was a real blow to his self-esteem. Maybe next year I’ll ask my teacher if they can send me some of the Grade 1’s homework that I can do with my day. Then I’ll do my work alone after he goes to bed,” said young Weston.
At press time McKindritch was on the verge of a panic attack after his elder child Noelle, 13, asked if he could help her with her statistics homework.