Conservatives explain why they are supporting Pierre Poilievre for Leader - The Beaverton

Conservatives explain why they are supporting Pierre Poilievre for Leader

With Pierre expected to be chosen as Conservative Party Leader this week, we sat down with Conservative Party members who explained why they voted for him.

Sven McDaniels (Accountant)

“I saw a heavily edited clip of him in Question and decided he is very smart.”

Linda Crunt (self-employed)

“Unlike Harper, Scheer and O’Toole, Liberals won’t be able to portray him as a right-wing idealogue out of step with the rest of the country.”


Rick ‘Mac’ McKendrick (unemployed)


Shania Twain (not that one)

“Of all the things wrong with the world in 2022, the one I care most about is defunding the .”


Shania Twain (yes that one)

“His fiscal policy and interest in crypto primarily. Let’s just say fiat currencies don’t impress me much.”


Garrett Crunt (Baskin Robbins night manager)

“I’ve wanted a PM who was like a more nasal Ben Shapiro since I was 4 years old in 1972.”


(Huawei spokesperson)

“Fuck it. I’m ready for this to be over.”
Photo Credits: 
Shania Twain: Zoltan Szabo
Jean Charest: Martin Sauvageau