VANCOUVER — Canada is celebrating the history of Canadians of Asian heritage this month while on the other side of the world, Asia celebrates yet another May.
2022 marks the 20th anniversary of the official declaration of May as Asian Heritage Month in Canada. This year, Asia is marking the 2022nd year of the Common Era that this month comes after April and before June.
“During the pandemic, we’ve unfortunately seen a spike in cases of racially motivated attacks against our Asian-Canadian communities,” said Sue Lee, an Asian Heritage Month committee member. “That’s why this year, we made a targeted effort at programs that will educate Canadians on this issue in the hopes of changing Asian stereotypes around the virus. Sure, it took a global pandemic to force the government to take action against Asian-directed racism, but at least we’re doing something for one month in the entire year.”
“Don’t worry whites, it’ll all be over on June 1st when any evidence the government cared at all is gone.”
Citizens of Asia, meanwhile, are spending their month of May doing much more mundane things. Like the other 11 months in the year, Asians have to eat, so they are buying groceries from their local grocer. Not every household celebrates the same way, however. Some buy groceries once a week, and some buy groceries twice a week.
Canadians on an individual level are making a conscious effort to celebrate Asian culture this month as well.
“I love our Asian neighbours,” said Lance McDermott. “My doctor is Asian! That’s why this month, I’m getting thirds at Mandarin instead of just seconds.”
Thousands of kilometers away where Mandarin doesn’t exist, locals are eating out this month too.
“Well I’m just eating at the same places I usually do,” said Maggie Ke. “Like what the fuck is a May food?”
Non-Asian-Canadians’ efforts to champion Asian-Canadians are reaching beyond the dinner table. For years, Asian-Canadians wished non-Asians would see them as more than just their food, and to be loved like non-Asians love their cuisine.
“I’m actually going to see Everything Everywhere All At Once right now,” said Lucy Harris outside of a Cineplex. “I was actually going to see it anyways, but hey I can post about it on my Instagram story now with the Asian Heritage Month sticker.”
“I watched Turning Red, and I totally get it now, Asians!” said Phillip Saunders, another moviegoer.
In Asia, May viewing habits are the exact same as April.
“I’ll be watching whatever Netflix puts out this month,” said Carly Singh. “I mean, it’s still a pandemic.”
When asked about a prospective White Heritage Month, the whole of Asia said there wasn’t a need to celebrate white saviours even more.