Convoy protesters hope to garner national sympathy by terrorizing locals - The Beaverton

Convoy protesters hope to garner national sympathy by terrorizing locals

OTTAWA – organizers say they are asking the citizens of Ottawa to be a little more understanding towards their tactics in bullying, law-breaking, and psychological warfare as they hope to garner more national sympathy.

Leaders carefully explained the subtle nuances on why their rights and freedoms require them to hold the city hostage.

“We know that citizens of Ottawa have families and young like we do,” said one of the leaders blaring his truck horn. “The sleep deprivation of locals will surely convince the nation of our position.”

“How many more statues do we have to vandalize to get through to everyone?” questioned another alt-right activist.

Protesters said they want to work with residents such as O-Train commuters they verbally harass for wearing masks and the emergency service workers they hurl racist remarks at.

“We will continue to intimidate, irritate, and assault our way into forcing residents to force the federal government to force the provincial government and US government into removing their restrictions,” said one of the protest organizers while defecating on someone’s Centretown lawn. “Why is that so hard to understand?”

Ottawa were unavailable for comment stating they were too busy towing away a resident’s car to make way for a big rig.