In current pandemic times when binge-watching is basically second nature, the line between what is television and what is reality is becoming increasingly fuzzy. For example: is the state of Texas actively campaigning to deny women, queer people, and other marginalized group basic human rights or is that just something from Handmaid’s Tale? Take this quiz to test your knowledge on whether these scenarios are plot points from the latest season of Handmaid’s Tale or actually happening in 2021 in the great state of Texas.
Quiz: Is this scenario a plot point from The Handmaid’s Tale or something currently happening in Texas?
Sorry, They Were All Texas!

Time to give the award-winning show a rewatch or maybe take a trip to the homeland of the only person in the world who has no redeemable characteristics, Ted Cruz. Just be careful- skip the Texan voyage for safety reasons if you are female, queer, a visible minority, or have sensitivity to the thick smell of bigotry emanating from all the unwashed Republicans.
Quiz: Is this scenario a plot point from The Handmaid’s Tale or something currently happening in Texas?
You nailed it! Texas style.

You’re able to tell the difference between what’s happening in Texas and what’s going on in the Tale. You’re either a loyal watcher or up on politics, or maybe you know the secret to telling the show and the state apart: The only difference is that sometimes the Handmaid’s Tale placates the public by offering a little taste of justice.