True meaning of life safely hidden away in personal anecdote portion of online recipe - The Beaverton

True meaning of life safely hidden away in personal anecdote portion of online recipe

Laval, QC – Humanity’s quest to discover the fundamental truth about our existence has been solved, as turns out to be located in the personal story section of a for homemade gnocchi.

“I was just writing my usual 20-25 paragraphs of personal experiences, thoughts and emotions before finally revealing the very simple process to make a potato pasta dish,” said home chef Anika Stern. “Then right in the middle it just hit me: this is what it’s all about. Naturally I included it right before I told a detailed story about our ’s recent camping trip.”

“I expected it to get a big response but even though a ton of people have read that recipe online, no one seems to really notice. So weird,” she added.

, and stoned college who just read Hitchhiker’s The Galaxy have been searching for the meaning of existence for millennia, so to hear it included in a recipe has naturally vexxed some.

“I’ve been researching this for years. And she just… blogged it out,” exclaimed long-time existential thinker Arnold Van Hammerstein. “Admittedly her gnocchi recipe was pretty good.”

Newspapers around the world are excited to finally reveal our earthly purpose to their readers, just as soon as they all make it through the ten paragraphs Stern spent describing how she liked the idea of living in , but didn’t think she’d ever actually do it. Ten! Ten Paragraphs.