CALGARY – A 62-year-old mother has cut off terrorist funding by withholding her 35-year-old son’s allowance.
Gillian Brown explained that the $20 weekly stipend she gave to her son Jamie was technically supporting her son’s activities in Proud Boys, and immediately suspended the transfer every Friday.
“I love my son, but he can storm Congress and start race riots on his own dime,” said Mrs. Brown from her two bedroom home. “His little Rooster Club has gotten out of hand and I’d like for him to focus on finding a job rather than promoting violence against women on Reddit.”
Uh, and don’t get him started on the Jews and Muslims,” sighed Mrs. Brown.
From a secret location in the basement, Jamie said that he will continue to resist the oppression of free speech and his “cuck parents.”
“I will not apologize for creating the modern world,” said the sworn ‘western chauvinist’ from his hideout ten feet below the main floor of his parent’s suburban bungalow. “And it’s not fair that I can’t use the car anymore for my secret brotherhood meetings. We need to protect the white race!”
According to sources, Mrs Brown said she would go to extreme measures to deter any further terrorism by taking away his PS5.