Canada threatens to leave Commonwealth after being ignored in Netflix’s "The Crown" - The Beaverton

Canada threatens to leave Commonwealth after being ignored in Netflix’s “The Crown”

– Canadian Prime Minister is threatening to leave the British Commonwealth after receiving a royal snub from ’s historical drama “.”

“Oh, sure, do a whole episode on ,” said a jilted Trudeau who stayed up all night binging on season four. “Tiny New Zealand is even mentioned, but do they even bother to say anything about the biggest colony? Everyone was all worried about Australia leaving, but has anyone asked about ’s feelings?”

The Prime Minister cautioned members of the media to avoid any spoiler alerts in his message since he has three more episodes to watch, but said Canada is unlikely to be mentioned.

“Even Ghana and Ireland got an episode, and they’re not even members anymore!” bemoaned an increasingly self-conscious Trudeau. “’s because we don’t have pretentious accents, isn’t it? Well, we have had it. We’re going to leave if we don’t get our episode.”

The PM laid out his demands for future episodes.

“We are willing to accept a dull side-story related to Canada such as Prince Edward famous layover in Winnipeg or having the Queen mention us in her schedule of royal visits. But nothing about Charles – I’m so of that guy.”

According to sources, has already pre-written 20 Canada-themed The Crown articles in the event that Canada is ever scarcely whispered on the production set for season 5.