Recently fired man sadly leaves home office - The Beaverton

Recently fired man sadly leaves home office

VICTORIA, BC – Following his termination from his project manager job at which he has been working remotely, Corey Nielson is reportedly beginning the joyless task of clearing the desk in his home office.

“I knew I was getting the axe when the boss asked if we could Skype in private” Nielson said, glumly taking down his motivational cat poster. “I tried to keep it together, but I have to admit, I may have caused a bit of a scene. I really regret that, especially since my wife is going to make me clean it up later.”

“I bet that snake Johnson is already calling dibs on my corner video chat window! At least I don’t have to take that god awful commute down the stairs anymore. I just hope they treat the next guy who sits in that chair better than they’re treating me.

When questioned about his firing, Nielson’s supervisor claims it was a long time coming. “The economy gave us the perfect excuse to get rid of him” Said VP of Product Development Anne Saunders. “I think he might have been stealing office supplies. I swear that pencil sharpener on his desk is the same one that used to be in his cubicle.”

After a few awkward goodbyes with his co-workers and dog, Nielson was escorted out of the premises once security joined the video call, swearing that he would be back someday.

Nielson is allegedly planning to use his unemployment as a chance to spend even more time with his against their behest. At press time, Nielson was sitting in the hallway in front of his former workplace while waiting for a cab to the living room.